Did you know that kale scores the highest in nutrient density? (collards and watercress do too)
If you want to prevent the buildup of plaque in your arteries, boost your immune system, and continually prevent or kill any cancer cells in your body—eat kale! (Actually, all the cruciferous veggies do that; not to mention green veggies have about twice as much protein as steak!)
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This morning during a podcast interview, I realized once again that it’s the hard times we go through that teach us the greatest lessons.
It was the years of ongoing struggle to find a solution to the addiction to high-fat, high-salt, processed food and sweets that has ignited my passion to now help others get free.
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Typically, the focus of my blog is about overcoming food addiction in order to live free of preventable diseases. But today is Mother’s Day, which triggered a tsunami of emotions that I had to uncover in order to live in continual freedom from the addiction. Maybe there is someone reading this who will benefit from it. If you don’t like reading about mental illness or suicide loss, you won’t hurt my feelings if you skip it!
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It’s that time of year.
Mowing season in Indiana has begun.
When I’m in the middle of mowing the lawn, the last thing I want to do is come inside, sit down at the table and eat a traditional salad with a fork.
So I don’t.
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